We focus on market-based innovation and sustainable value creation
We work with globally-minded, forward-thinking, and ambitious business leaders who are responsible for creating markets and driving growth in today’s fast-paced, hyperconnected and uncertain world. Together we focus on results to:
1. Create and materialise a bold long-term vision to become the best in what they chose to do.
2. Disrupt industry boundaries, create new markets, and use their first mover advantage to build sustainable ecosystems.
3. Innovate their business model to create new value and satisfy unmet needs efficiently, and hence to make a positive impact in the world.
4. Put people and our planet first to achieve great performance and make a net positive contribution to our global society.
5. Leverage practical research from leading academic institutions and the power of analytics and the best innovation frameworks to create a unique competitive advantage.
Expertise in integrating strategy with day-to-day operations
Our team combines strengths that are crucial for business success in today’s complex and uncertain environment and for adapting to major shifts in our hyperconnected future:
Value and Purpose-Driven: we are driven by the purpose of helping businesses create value and jobs and spread wealth and social progress in sustainable ways across the world.
Insights that make a difference: we have the capability and the creativity to:
- Interpret global and industry specific trends and generate actionable insights about key strategic options for improving your business’s competitive position and advantage
- Combine proven operating model and digital technology innovation to design an agile organisation that delivers operational and customer excellence
- Plan and implement the transformation initiatives that will upgrade the enterprise and deliver sustainable operational and financial performance improvements
Change Leadership: we chose to work with collaborators who have well-developed leadership skills and emotional intelligence, who are capable of uniting people around a common purpose and creating momentum and ownership to make the desired change a reality that sticks.
Diversity spurs innovation: we constantly scan the global environment, monitor the pulse of business, and test new ideas within our extensive network of executives, entrepreneurs and academia in Americas, Europe, Africa, The Middle-East, and Asia.
Why chose to work with us?
Our purpose: be the catalyst for positive transformations and high-returns.
Our mission: help leaders and teams who put people and our planet at the heart of business to create “thick” value and a high-performance culture.
Our approach: we focus on bringing to the table a unique combination of vision, creativity, and determination powered by disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action.
Our approach links new scalable external opportunities with internal strengths through co-creating scenarios, compelling visions, executable ambitious strategies and practical plans that get everyone on-board to own change and collaborate to shape the organisation for a thriving future.
Adapting to Global Mega Trends to Survive and Thrive 
As highlighted in PwC’s Annual Global CEO survey, one of the most comprehensive sources of data about the pulse of business and global mega trends, CEO’s believe that technological advances, demographic changes and global economic shifts will have a huge impact on their businesses in the next 5 years.
1. The global business environment that is undergoing unprecedented technological advances, significant demographic shifts, and a shift in global economic power to the developing countries, means that companies will need to innovate their business models and adapt to new customer behaviours and new more dynamic competitive environments.
2. The shift in global economic power from west to east, and from north to south creates new growth opportunities for companies who will be willing to take a long-term view regarding investing in emerging markets and helping create rich local structures and ecosystems.
3. The rapid technological advances combined with major changes in both customer behaviour and the international regulatory environment will create new markets. Some industry boundaries are blurring and entry barriers can be disrupted with innovation.
Organisations that can adapt quickly to this major shifts and can learn new ways of connecting with customers, mastering disruptive innovation, operating and collaborating efficiently within a rich ecosystem of suppliers, customers and academia will thrive, while less agile businesses will become irrelevant.
How to capture a large share from new sustainable profitable growth opportunities?
CEOs can no more rely on traditional ways of making strategy and running the business. They need to develop Agile Leadership teams, transform their organisations to create value in new ways, and develop tomorrow’s workforce. To win a large share of the huge value creation and growth opportunities offered by the unfolding new global economic and social context, companies need to outperform their current and potential competitors in 5 main areas:
A high purpose that motivates across all stakeholder groups: having a clear meaningful purpose to play in the long-term and create value to make a positive net impact in the world, not only financially and economically, but also socially and environmentally.
A bold vision and a light footprint strategy: creating a clear, ambitious and compelling vision, and developing a practical strategy to change the world for the better an materialise the company’s vision.
Agile leadership to cope with uncertainty and drive change: developing “Agile Leadership” qualities throughout the organisation which enables fast and sound decision-making, effective strategy execution, and fostering a culture of innovation, in a fast-paced, uncertain world.
Rich ecosystems that create and deliver market-based innovations: playing a central role within efficient ecosystems of start-ups, suppliers, customers and academia, that bring together innovation, financial power, operational excellence, efficient large-scale logistics and distribution networks, and the communication power of brands that are socially connected with customers.
Learning organisations that innovate and adapt quickly: Build an agile learning organisation that is capable using the power of big data and analytics to identify major changes in the market and in our society and leverage internal and external talents and resources to innovate its business model and create new-market and growth.
Global reach with native talent to satisfy customers: develop an intimate knowledge of local markets to win by adapting innovations to local needs, tastes and consumption habits and local business and regulatory environments, and invest in developing strong brand love and advocacy in every market.
From Good to Great to Built to Last
Driven companies need a set of core values in order to achieve the kind of long-term, sustainable success that may lead to greatness.
Companies need to exist for a higher purpose than mere profit generation in order to transcend the category of merely good.
Even if the shared values that compel the company toward success are as open-ended as being the best at what they do and achieving excellence consistently, that may be sufficient as long as the team members are equally dedicated to the same set of values.
A Culture of High Performance and Humble Leadership
The personal ego and individual financial gain are not as important as the long-term benefit of the team and the company to true Level 5 leaders.
“First Who … Then What. Those who build great organizations make sure they have the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the key seats before they figure out where to drive the bus. They always think first about “who” and then about what.”
– Jim Collins
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